Wed, 2 October 2019
My guest is Tim Ford, who is someone I've known for the last few years, and a number of years ago, he started his triathlon journey and over that time he's lost more than 50 kilos. He's completely changed his life with respect to his health, his fitness, and his work, and I think it's a really good story to share on how a simple idea can spark a complete life change in someone. On today's episode, we look at what are some of those things that Tim has changed to turn around his life and become a completely different person and we also share some of the things that we feel can help other people become better athletes, whether that's a triathlon or whether it's swimming. And focusing on the things that you can control and that you can change and why it pays to always have a longterm approach to this stuff.
03:07 "I Stopped Weighing Myself When I Reached 120 Kilos."
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