The Effortless Swimming Podcast

My guest today is Simon Hearn, a professional triathlete whom I've known for a couple of years now. He turned pro in the last two years and I want to get him in the podcast to talk about that journey and a little bit about his journey in swimming.

01:49 Start Of Triathlon Journey
03:35 Turning Pro
05:54 Impostor Syndrome
08:16 Placing 4th On A Full Distance Ironman
09:27 Swimming Background
14:16 Training Surges
16:42 Prescribed Pace
18:23 The Gap Between Effort Levels - Developing Gears In Between
26:02 As A Physio
30:44 Mobility And Stability Work
37:37 Being Conscious In The Water
39:29 Motivation
41:35 Begin To Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Direct download: Patience_And_The_Power_Of_Long_Term_Thinking_with_Simon_Hearn_LIBSYN.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58am AEST