The Effortless Swimming Podcast

My guest today is Andy Donaldson who recently came back from breaking the Cook Strait World Record. In this episode, we will talk about his experience before and during the swim and his goal to complete the Ocean Seven in a year to raise money and awareness for mental health.

02:40 What's your headspace going into this swim?
04:58 How long into the swim did you realize things are going well?
09:30 Completion Is Key
10:22 The goal is to do the ocean seven within 365 days
14:19  How are you keeping yourself mentally ready for the swim?
17:19 Swimming Background
20:12  What is it about the sport that you think drew you back?
26:10  What's your training?
36:30 What's your routine like?
38:31 What sort of stuff are you doing to keep your shoulders strong?
41:16 How long would your strength and conditioning sessions go for?
41:53 What do you love to do outside of swimming?
43:28 What's surprised you about your quest to do the ocean seven in a year?
44:54 Follow Andy on Social media to follow his journey

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm AEST

Joining us today is Dr Jim Taylor, who specializes in Sports psychology and is the author of Train Your Mind for Athletic Success. In this episode, we will talk about useful mind hacks that you can implement into your training.

01:51 The Concept Of Marginal Gains
07:47 Words Impact How We Perceive The World
11:16 "I Choose To Push My Limits"
16:07 Unfamiliarity, Unpredictability, And Lack Of Control
19:43 Smiling Is A Powerful Mental Tool
25:45 Fun Is A Powerful Mind Hack
28:39  Flow Not Force
31:46 Take Control Of Your Breathing
35:38 Celebrating The Daily Victories
40:14 Get In Touch with Dr Jim Taylor

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:07pm AEST

Welcome to the third and final part of this three-part podcast with Brant Best. We worked together on a product called SwimBETTER by EO, which helps athletes swim faster. Tune in now! 

02:50 More isn't BETTER
05:27 Elbow is too high for too long 
10:43 Extreme high elbow catch
13:17 "Ladder" cue
16:28 More episode with Brant coming soon!

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm AEST

Brant Best will be joining us for a three-part podcast. We worked together on a product called SwimBETTER by EO, which helps athletes swim faster. This episode will discuss how it's valuable to be able to quantify data and drills that he loves and hate. 

00:33 Do you have a standard process when looking at the data?
08:38 Force Field
12:14 Should you have more power on one arm if you're just breathing every two?
13:20 I'm not a big fan of breathing three
14:12  I'ts super valuable to be able to quantify data
17:01 Drill that I love and hate!
20:31 Thumb Drag Drill

Direct download: audiopt2272.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:39pm AEST

Brant Best will be joining us for a three-part podcast. We worked together on a product called SwimBETTER by EO, which helps athletes swim faster. This episode will discuss what he learned from working with elite athletes. Watch out for the next episodes!!

00:58 Canberra Camp
02:27 How To Swim A Good 100 Freestyle At The Elite Level? 
05:40 Kyle Chalmers Is A Beast
06:12 Tension Needs To Be Optimal Rather Than Maximal
10:59  EO Swim Better
13:01 Soften Up, To Go Quicker.
16:00 Putting Too Much Force On The Water
19:14 What Is It That We Should Be Focusing On?

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:20am AEST

What is stopping you from getting any faster? Tune in to this episode now! 

1:52 How You Hold Your Body
3:12 Head Position
3:45 Kick
4:40 Breathing In The Right Position
7:08 Building A House
7:21 Tension
8:41  Not Sighting In The Right Way
10:32 The 5 Core Principles Of Fast Freestyle

Direct download: podcast271finalaudioooo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:39pm AEST